Pics coming soon!

March 27, 2008

I PROMISE I’m putting pics up very soon, Monday at the latest. I’ve been away for two weeks, but I finally have my new camera so I’ll take some good ones and post them asap. Now is actually a good time to do it because mine have softened and dropped a lot….I’m in love with them :)See you all soon!  

 I’ve written about this before on here– about how other people perceive breast implants on women– and it’s something I still occasionally wonder about.
Because I am happy with my surgery, I honestly am not bothered if someone has a problem with it, or thinks I’m a slut, whatever (I have gotten these emails, seriously.)
What I do think about is where these perceptions have come from and why they are still around. I have only gotten good ‘reviews’ of my boobs but I still wonder, what do they say about me to other people? Why is there an image in the media of boob jobs = cheap, trashy, pathetic, slutty, blah blah idiots. 
All the (two) guys who’ve actually seen and felt mine thought they were great, and my friends and family think they’re great. I do get the occasional “they’re pretty hard” comments but hey, I’m only three months post-op.
The second guy I told/showed them to/had sex with since my surgery said to me: “Fair play to you– it’s a big deal, isn’t it, deciding to do this…” and stuff like that. I was like, WHY is it a big deal? It really isn’t. You want to change your body, you have money, you do it. Finished. But for some reason, some people I know think getting a boob job means I’m a different person than they thought I was. 
I also think it’s about breast size in general. Women are perceived differently depending on their boob size, whether we like it or not. I didn’t get this done so other people would look at me differently. In fact, the only negative thing to come out of this (and honestly it’s a tiny thing and not a regret) is that I do think some people ARE looking at me differently. Am I paranoid for some reason? Anyone reading this with implants who has had a negative reaction, let me know.
I found this study online when I was searching for articles on this topic…it’s about how a woman’s breast size affects people’s perceptions of her.  I’ll just quote the whole abstract here.
From the study “Biggest Isn’t Always Best: The Effect of Breast Size on Perceptions of Women” (From the Journal of Applied Psychology, Volume 32, Issue 11, November 2002), 
Research has demonstrated preferences for medium and large breasts and a tendency to associate positive attributes with larger breasts. Findings have been limited, however, by use of stimuli that do not depict women realistically or in a credible context.
In the current study, a female actor’s breast size was manipulated to create four videotapes (bra cup sizes A, B, C, and D) in which she delivered a speech. Participants viewed one of the four videotapes and rated the actor on social and professional characteristics.
Males perceived the actor more favorably on both professional and social characteristics when she had a medium breast size, whereas females were generally not influenced by breast size.
Findings are related to the popularity of methods to enhance breast size and the need for awareness of the potential impact of breast size on how women are perceived.”
Interesting, yes? 

The reviews are in!

February 11, 2008

By ‘reviews’ I mean: another guy review, my surgeon’s review, and, um, MY review. Oh and some random people’s views on my new body parts.

First, sorry again for the not updating– for numerous boring reasons I haven’t really had a chance. But I’m back, and even better, I should have some more pics up soon.
Anyway, so I went to my two month post-op review with my surgeon and he was delighted with his work, if he does say so himself. I told him about my occasional left arm pain (which is gone now) and he said it is completely normal and happens as my nerves kind of re-ignite, or get working again. (I’m sure there’s an actual medical term for that but I’m too lazy to Google it).
Both boobs have softened up a lot in the past few weeks, so maybe that’s what the twinges were. The PS also said they looked pretty natural, and told me to come back in one year for further review. Yay!

Also, I had sex again on Saturday night (let me just say, at the risk of people thinking I’m a complete slut or something, that before this year I had a loooong dry spell. Main reason? My lack of confidence of course! I’m not saying people should get a boob job to improve their sex lives, but really, it’s amazing how much my confidence has improved, and THAT is something guys notice, not just the boobs. I walk with my shoulders back and my head high, not slightly hunched over, tugging at my top.)
Yeah, so it was with a guy I’ve actually known for years…who I like a lot. We were lying in my bed deliberating on whether having sex would ruin our friendship (as you do) when I just burst out, “Ihadaboobjobinnovember.” He confrimed my new-found realisation that people’s reactions to this news are generally good! NO ONE I have told has reacted badly, or with weirdness. He was interested and gave me the “Fair play for taking the risk, do what you gotta do” speech. Double yay!
Also he kind of loved them– I said, you know they’re still not as soft as real ones…but he didn’t care because he said they felt great. He then took an almost clinical view of them, running his hands over the scars (which he said aren’t bad looking), pressing the inner corners where the implant ‘starts’, etc. Then he started….mmmmmmm. Sorry that bit is not to be shared 🙂

In general, people have noticed that my boobs have grown a bit. But it’s not negative and no one is jumping down my throat going “YOU HAD PLASTIC SURGERY!!” Some of my frends just said, hey, your boobs look great, you (finally) got a pair! Hehe. But I’m soooo happy with them. I love that I can look brilliant in nice dresses and tops, I love walking around in a t-shirt and no bra and having lovely round, non-saggy boobs, I love my new body confidence… for anyone worried about ANYTHING, just remember 1. why you want to get it done and 2. It will all be worth it….

Get over it

January 8, 2008


OK, lets get it out in the open, once and for all, and then lock it forever in a fucking safe and bury the key.
By ‘it’ I mean the dated, boring, insulting and highly annoying perception of women who have their breasts surgically enlarged.
When people say to me “What are the drawbacks of having a boob job?” I don’t say the pain or the nuisance of the whole thing. I say, “Well, it means people think that when the implant goes in, my intelligence goes out and I’m on the phone to a brothel begging for a job.”
Even the idea that all women who work in a brothel, or in the porn industry, are fucking idiots pisses me off.
We’re all going to be judged for our decision, girls. There will always be someone who looks down on you for something that is none of their damn business. So instead of getting angry (which I do, all the time) we are going to ignore it and be the generation of women who prove that having a boob job is not a synonym for: low intelligence, severe mental problems, no love life to speak of, a desire to have sex all the time, a desire to get paid for having sex, a desire to be seen as fluffy and stupid, or wanting excess male attention.
If you’ve got a problem with the idea, stop reading the fucking blog.

Did I really think that?

January 6, 2008

The other day I had a rare insight into how I used to think of myself, and more importantly how other people think of me. Well, used to think of me. I knew I was unhappy with my chest size but I didn’t know I projected this unhappiness like an aura, making me self-conscious and making any guys I was with feel uncomfortable.
I was talking to a friend of mine who I used to work with, and who I used to have kissing sessions with too, which one night turned into sex on the sitting room floor of his apartment. This was about two years ago, or more. I really liked him at the time but the shadow of the small breasted girl’s enemy–The Girl With Bigger Boobs–hung over me like a cloud.We were having drinks Thursday night talking about our ill-fated hook up (he was seeing someone else at the time–yet another sign of my lack of confidence–going for men I knew wouldn’t be able to be with me properly) and we were laughing at the drunken mess we were that night. I told him about my boob job and he was cool about it, saying good for you etc.
Then he reminded me of a conversation we had once where we were kissing in some bar in town and he was trying to feel my boobs. I would always immediately tense up when this happened, although this particular time I didn’t. But the other day he told me that after he had put his hand up my top I said “Do you hate me now?”

Christ. I don’t remember being that bad. I don’t remember saying it, but obviously I did. It’s kind of pathetic but also an excellent insight into how I felt about myself. That’s why it didn’t work between us, I was too crippled with insecurity. Oh and, he had a girlfriend.

It’s amazing how much better I feel about myself now, I know I keep saying it, but it’s true. ANYONE with an insecurity, and everyone has them, will feel better when they consciously go and do something about it. I am not saying that a woman’s happiness depends on her breast size, I’m saying MY happiness was blocked by my own warped view of myself–so I changed it.

Also I still do mostly forget I had it done. I have no pain apart from an occasional and mild muscle twinge, the scars are starting to improve, and they have dropped slightly already. As for softness, the outside of each one is really much softer than the insides, but they will get softer I know. When I lie down, they are harder.

But anyway imagine saying that or thinking that…that a guy who obviously liked me enough to be with me in the first place would go off me because I had no boobs. I was convinced of this for so long…Now if a guy goes off me, at least I know it’s not because I look shit in a nice bra 🙂

I got into a spirited discussion about breast implants (a short one) last week with a nice man called David who writes on this blog.
Obviously I am coming at this from a biased POV, seeing that I am a proud owner of said breast implants. I enjoy talking about and defending breast augmentation. So there I was, listing my reasons why it is harmless, and positive, when I realise there really is no point arguing with someone who is religious. Or possibly a bit mad. And who seems to have a weird hatred of women who have boob jobs. AND who sadly seems to believe that all women with fake breasts are stupid.

Here is what David is saying to me…

“Yes, purchasing breasts merely because you don’t like yours is a waste of time, effort, money and it corrupts the modern spirit of all ancient souls.

Fake breasts are not breasts. They are bags of silicone or saline pretending to be something they are not. Their job is to mock and fool the beauty of the gods and we’ll have none of that supported on this blog.

Is it meant to be funny? I don’t get it. I mean, what??

I would hereby like to offer my most heartfelt apologies to all ancient souls, for corrupting your modern spirit by choosing to have breast surgery. My evil decision is ruining the very fabric of our society and will no doubt result in a collapse in the space time continium that not even Doc Brown will be able to fix.


P.S I’m doing great, for those who asked. I’ve had more droppage and softening in the last week. Think I’m a textbook case though, have had very little problems with them. Yay! I have an appointment with my surgeon in a few days so will post back then.
That’s if I haven’t been killed by the gods.

One month post-op

December 24, 2007

I made it! Exactly one month ago I was pretty miserable and in stiff, hunch-backed pain. It feels weird when I remember it now, like it didn’t happen. I swear sometimes I forget I actually had surgery, had a boob job. I feel no pain, they have dropped slightly already, and continue to soften up, despite the fact I’m not massaging as much as I should, and that I’ve worn underwire…ahem.

Last night I was joining John Lennon in thinking another year over, and what have I done? I was getting pretty miserable about it–still in the same job that I hate, living in the same place, still boyfriendless…I thought to myself, God I haven’t done much this year. Then I looked down and remembered that I actually DID do something this year, something I’ve been wanting for a long, long time, something that has made me happier…and boy, was it worth it. So if your surgery is looming, take a deep breath, focus on the end result, and just ride through it. Good luck to you, if you are getting it done. It’s one of the best things I ever did.

 Oh, and Merry Christmas 🙂

Day Zero

November 22, 2007

Just a quick post to say goodbye….to my old boobs! And to the old ‘me’. Surgery in 13 hours (6am). Getting weirdly sentimental about my body- after all, we’ve been with each other for a long time, through fat and skinny, sickness and health, misery and happiness… I’m taking risks just to have bigger breasts and I’m not regretting my decision, just thinking about it.
I have to start fasting soon (no food, water or chewing gum) and I’m also getting my shit ready for next week and washing my hands religiously with anti-bacterial soap. (The last part isn’t an official instruction from the clinic, I’m just germ-freaky).
Tip to those considering a boob job (and believe me, there will be many more tips to come I’m sure): if you’re really, really sure, and you’ve done your research and you have the money, don’t leave a huge gap between your consultation and your surgery. The wait is a nightmare.
Speaking of nightmares, I’m off home to scrub myself, not eat or smoke and try get some sleep. I shall post back on Saturday. Wish me boobs xx

So I’m in the bank getting a bank draft to send to my surgery clinic, waiting patiently while the bank clerk writes it out for me, when I see she notices it is made out to a cosmetic surgery clinic. “Oooohhhhh!” she says, as if she just discovered her married friend ran away with the local priest. “Are you getting something done?” I stare at her. “ARE YOU GETTING SOMETHING DONE?” Everyone in the bank turns to look at me (it feels like). I mutter something that sounds like a yes and before she asks me what exactly I’m getting done, I take out my iPod and deliberately put the earphones in my ears. As in, stop being so nosy, bitch. Seriously, why do people think they can comment on other people’s private lives?
(I realise I am detailing my private life on this blog but I wouldn’t shout it out to the crowd in my local bank).
I could see her eyeing me up and down trying to figure out what I’m getting done.
It’s not that hard to figure out, in fairness.

Three days to go…I’m off out now to buy sports bras for after the op.

Lets turn it around and be nice for awhile, showing examples of why people get cosmetic surgery in the first place. Whether or not you agree with the principle of plastic surgery, these people simply look better afterwards–as I, too, will soon and I really really REALLY can’t wait.

5. Heather Matarazzo

A.K.A the girl who played the nerdy friend in various films, the “Where do I know her from?” girl. No doubt she looks a million times better afterwards. But since I don’t really know or care who she is, she’s not getting the number 1 spot. Looks like she definitely got a nose job, but the rest could be just make-up. I think she looks good, anyway.

4. Ashlee Simpson

Ashlee got a lot of shit when she got her nose job, which is ridiculous. Let the girl shave down her nose if she wants to. She looks good with it. Maybe her nose bothered her her whole life and one day she thought, fuck it, I want a smaller nose. So what?
Although I personally think her old nose was nice. I like odd shaped or big noses, they’re much more interesting than straight, perfect ones.

3. Jennifer Aniston

Subtle difference, but this one was probably not the first, we’ve all seen that dodgy horror film she was in years ago with the Leprachaun (called Leprechaun, perhaps?) where her nose is much bigger. But she looks great either way.

2. Matt Dillon

Seriously, this picture speaks for itself.

1. Demi Moore

She’s admitted she’s had loads of surgery, including knee lifts, boob jobs, botox, God knows what else, but she looks amazing, there’s no denying it. I’m sure some of it is excellent genes and working out or whatever, but that is one talented surgeon…